After one week I've to say that the future developments of my subject might become really interesting.
Well, are you wondering which is my topic. To be very easy: you put silicon in a furnace, you put on top a layer of metal, you cold down fast and - as different dilatation coefficient - the silicon cracks! Cracks in a thin layer (around 50 thousandth of a millimeter) and this will be (after some processing) a solar cell.
I just to start to understand the organization of IMEC, my collegues, what I HAVE TO do, what I may do, and what I'm not allowed to do.
Just a curiosity: I sign the contract with the university. Here the salary is indexed, and so depends from inflaction and similar. I first ask to a person that said me an amount, than to another that said me an higher amount, and then to another one said me also higher... well... I started from 1500 and I'm yet arrived to 1750 netto. Do you think that if I countinue to ask people I'll reach 2000?!?
The truth is that - like in Italy - the bureaucracy is very high. In particular 'cause two different institution are involved. But also none knows how much I'll got paid. I've to wait the end of october to have just an idea (special refund, not the whole month worked, ...), and the end of november to have a definitve answer to my wondering...
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