mercoledì 19 novembre 2008

The world is VERY little

It's amazing... Simply AMAZING!
Today I was attending a (very boring) training course at IMEC. We were in a dozen, more or less. Mostly chinese/Japanese/indians/... and two other guys "european style".
At the end of the meeting I heard them talking in italian... a nice surprise but not so difficult find italian people abroad.
Then we started to talk about where we come from and stuff like that....
Well, the guy come from Milan (and I discovered that we'll play poker together tonight), nothing in particular..
the girl... she just started her PhD (one week ago). The AMAZING thing is that she come from Udine!!!! My home town!!!
Actually from the other side of the town but that's still ok. It's a small town...
Even surprising she was born in the same year and in the same month of myself!!!!

A very nice coincidence :)

1 commento:

Brennan ha detto...

You devil, you. ;)