domenica 14 settembre 2008

I have a new house...

Of course, not "mine", just rented a new house....
After one whole day of bad studios, small and/or dirty I found a couple very nice.
The one I choose - a bit more furnitued than the other with internet also included in the rent - is in tervuursestraat.
Well, my erasmus friend maybe knows where it is, but for one in particular that street has a meaning.
If I add the number is 117 and the appartment is the number 24.... well.... now he is making a jump on the chair ;)
The flat I rented is the same that was rented from my dear canadian friend just three years ago!

A coincidence?!?!? I don´t believe in them....

Just a funny thing maybe with some obscure meaning behind :)

Tomorrow I´ll sign the contract and before the middle of october I´ll move.

Kinda of excitement to begin something new, kinda of scare to begin something unknown.

Take care everybody!!!

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